
Scenario Design
Scenario design starts with the definition of a theme that is appropriate to the selected location, and contains different lines of research. Ideas for scenarios are then spelled out in the form of a script. Third, the ideas are drafted in images and sounds. Fourth, the scenarios are simulated in 3D. Simulations are further explored by means of audiovisual case studies before finally being implemented as locative media in an outdoor environment.

The simulation of the scenario is an important interstage product of scenario design. The simulation forms the basis of implementation, and thus the basis of the setting of the experiment.

Case Studies
Case studies focus on the spatiotemporal positioning of different elements and on user interaction.

Transfer of methods
Structures, stylistic devices and tools from architecture and film are tested by transferring them to Augmented Reality in order to explore their possible use and extension.

Setting of the experiment
During the outdoor test of the simulation, locative elements and technical calibration are gradually improved. The result of this adjustment process is the setting of the experiment that is tested and evaluated with users.

Different user groups test the implementation of lifeClipper2. Their reactions are observed and recorded. Additionally, the people who performed the test are asked for written feedback. The analysis and documentation of the results shed light upon the potential of the application of Augmented Reality as well as upon the potential of the realisation of the different themes in matters of content and design.